What if?
If only we wouldn't be lonely.
What if boredom created creativity.
What if loneliness went down the drain after multiplication?
A woman is getting rid of her loneliness.
She multiplictes ike a Matrjoschka puppet.
She is creating her friends,
Children and fantasy figures and maybe one day they will waltz together.
PREMIERE 12.06 / 13.06.24
Schwere Reiter Theater, Munich
Concept: Anima Henn
Choreography: Anima Henn in cooperation with the dancers
Dancers: Ilaria Bagarolo aka Gary, Chris-Pascal Englund Braun, Lea Markgraf, Michelle Munoz
Dramaturgy: Bas van der Kruk
Costume: Alexandra Paal, Anima Henn
Music: Daniel Door
Light: Rainer Ludwig
Production: Beli Hennig
PR: Simone Lutz
Founded by Kulturreferat München @blzt_tanz Schwere Reiter Theatre, Tanztendenz München
Copyright © 2025 Ilaria Bagarolo Aka Gary